Ottawa Social Worker Betrays Women Everywhere


Why would somebody want to go into the field of social work? One would presume that it was because an individual would want to help people, to protect those who couldn’t protect themselves and to exact change in our world. This has not been the case for Ms. Allison Timmons. She is a social worker in Ottawa who has failed to protect one of her clients from the evils of her husband, as well as of society.  Ms. Timmons represents that Nepean, Rideau and Osgoode Community Resource Centre (NROCRC).

Ms. Timmons was the social worker assigned to help Mrs. Dezrin Carby-Samuels. Dezrin has been suffering abuse at the hands of her husband, a certain Horace Corby-Samuels. Dezrin needed significant treatment due to the abuse and neglect of her husband which resulted in Dezrin losing her ability and speak.

Rather than help Dezrin to receive the care she needed and to escape from the abuse of her husband, Ms. Timmons did not supply Dezrin with any of the care that had been recommended for Dezrin by a doctor. On top of that, Ms. Timmons blocked Dezrin and her son’s legal right to having a lawyer present to represent them in their fight.

What kind of a human being, let alone a social worker, would do this? This social worker is a disgrace. She is a disgrace to social workers, she is a disgrace to women and she is a disgrace to humanity. If Ms. Timmons had her own way, women would simply be considered the property of their husbands, as was the case a century ago. Maybe Ms. Simmons would be more willing to help poor Dezrin if her own husband, or other men in her life acted in a similar fashion to Horace Carby-Samuels. How would she feel if it was her was being neglected, starved and beaten in her own home? On top of all of this, Allison Timmons has broken the law. She expressly denied in a sworn affidavit in court that she had denied Dezrin and Raymond access to a lawyer, despite video footage taken by Raymond which proved she had done so. Rather than help a women in desperate need, Ms. Timmons elected to perjure herself and break the law.

It is the basic right of every human to feel safe in their own home and to be treated appropriately and fairly. Equal rights for everybody. Equal rights forDezrinCarby-Samuels.

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